It seems like the cultural bias is, that the perfect marriage is when two people  love each other so much and compliment each other so much that “two become one”. This romantic notion does not take into account the basic challange of married life, namely the fact that traditionally, marriage is a union between

A. a woman

B. a man.

So a union between someone from proverbial Venus and someone from proverbial Mars can be quite challenging. (NEVER marry a guy from Uranus! They really are assholes!)

The problem is not that two become one, it is that you go from being one to having to accomodate two lives. You now have to keep two calendars updated and coordinated, there are two opinions on… well… most things…

For instance….

My idea of what constitutes a healthy balanced meal:

Hubby’s idea of what constitutes  a healthy balanced meal:

My idea of a pair of elegant sandals for men:

Hubby’s idea of a pair of elegant sandals for men:

  My idea of slipping into something more comfortable:

Hubby’s idea of me slipping into something more comfortable:

My idea of a good movie:

Hubby’s idea of a good movie:

My idea of a powerful man:

Hubby’s idea of a powerful man:

My idea of a powerful woman:

Hubby’s idea of a powerful woman:

So then, when you have overcome all of your differences and compromised and communicated and been overbearing – you have kids.

And from then on, the kids own both of your asses and your world now revolves around LEGO.

Buying it, cleaning it up, sorting it, building it, threatening to take it away and… Occasionally, stepping on it (which hurts like a motherf*****).

See how LEGO and marriage is the same?

Buying it, cleaning it up, sorting it, building it, threatening to take it away and… Occasionally, stepping on it (which hurts like a motherf*****).

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One Response to On Love: When Two Become One

  1. Wabbit says:

    Nothing says, “I love you,” like kissing your child (tall or small) on the head after you’ve stepped on a Lego bit. 🙂

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